Touch screen multiview for Blackmagic ATEM switchers!

Let's have a look at how to use the touch screen multi-view on an iPad with MixEffect

By John Barker • 17 Nov 2022

Let’s have a look at how to use the touch screen multi-view on an iPad with MixEffect. MixEffect: MixEffect Dos: Visit the docs.

What is MixEffect?

MixEffect is an iOS and macOS app for controlling your ATEM switcher. In this article, we’ll take a look at the app’s new touchscreen multiview mode, which allows users to interact with and rearrange their multiview on the fly.

To add a multiview switcher, simply open MixEffect on your iPad, and then select “multiview switcher” from the menu. From there, you can edit the order of your panels to move the one you just added to the top of the stack.

Once you’ve added the multiview switcher, you can tap around the screen to preview and switch between different views. Double-tapping a view will take it straight to program, while tapping it once will bring it into preview.

In addition to interacting with the multiview, you can also add custom imagery to the multiview. This allows you to see exactly what each source is, rather than just guessing based on small labels. To add custom imagery, simply grab some screenshots of your different views and add them to something like Dropbox. From there, you can copy the link to the image and paste it into the settings for the switcher in MixEffect. Learn more about that in the MixEffect Docs.

To take things a step further, you can even add a tappable multiview with live signals. This is accomplished by using a capture card to send a multiview from your ATEM to a service like, and then copying the solo link from that service to use in MixEffect. This allows you to see live views of your cameras and other sources in the multiview, which can be tapped to switch between preview and program.

Overall, the new touchscreen multiview mode in MixEffect is a powerful and convenient way to control and rearrange your multiview on the fly. Whether you’re using static images or live signals, this feature makes it easy to manage your multiview and ensure that your viewers always have the best possible experience.


Let’s have a look at the new touchscreen multiview mode in MixEffect, the iOS and macOS app for controlling your ATEM switcher. I have MixEffect Pro running here on the iPad and I’m going to add a multiview switcher in there so I can edit this main page here, and then to the top section, I’m going to add the multiview switcher one. Since the ATEM that I have has two multiviews, I’m just going to add the first one for now. So I’ll add multiview switcher one here, and then I’ll edit the order and move that to the top of the stack. Hit done, and leave the settings. And already you can see it pop up here. I have the multiview on the iPad. Let’s just hide some stuff out of the way, and I can tap around already and see things go into preview. So as I tap between these screens here, they go into the preview section of the ATEM multiview. And then if I was to tap the preview, it goes into program.

And you can see on the main multiview of the switcher that I’ve recorded, it takes effect right away. I can also double tap any of these sections here to go straight to program with them, and like I said, just tap them once to go into preview. Now if I wanted to rearrange the multiview and decide what’s going to go in each box, I can do that right from the screen here. I can tap and hold on this box here and then choose from the list a different camera, for example, this overhead camera and it goes into preview. And when I’m ready, I can cut and take that into program. I could also do a auto transition if I wanted by pressing and holding here and then hitting auto on the list. There’s a nice auto transition.

You’ll probably notice already that we’re just pressing on black boxes here and not really sure entirely what we’re cutting to except for the small labels, but we can take things a step further by adding custom imagery. Over on the documentation, which I have added below, you can add source images. We can scroll down to that section here, and I can add my own custom images to show up in the multiview. Just before I made this video, I grabbed a few screenshots of my main camera, my overhead camera, and the iPad. So let’s use those. I have three images here. One is my overhead camera. The next one is my main camera shot. And then I have my laptop screenshot. I’ve added these images to Dropbox and I can just copy a Dropbox link here and head back over to the iPad.

Within the iPad interface I want to go back to the switcher settings here of my Constellation. I want to edit those and scroll down to the source images section here. And for example, on my main camera, I know that comes in on input number two, so I’ll put a two, a colon, a space, and then paste in that image from Dropbox. I’m also going to borrow one of these images from the documentation here. There’s an AppleTV.png. I’ll just copy that link and then paste it into my iPad. My Apple TV is connected to input number three, so I’ll just paste that in here and then change the input to input number three. So with all those images added, I can hit save, if head back into the switcher panel of my ATEM, give it a few seconds for the images to load, and you can see them pop in here. It looks really great.

And it really helps to have these images in place here for illustration purposes. I know they’re just static, but at least I know what camera I’m going to show. So if I tap on the Apple TV here, I can tell it’s in preview. And if I hit on that again, I can see it’s going to go into program. Let’s take this one step further with a tappable multiview with actual live signals in it. On my PC back there I have a capture card set up and I’m sending a multiview from my ATEM into that capture card and then into Over here on the Mac, I can see that signal coming in nicely and I can also copy that solo link and use it in MixEffect. Back over on MixEffect here, I want to jump in, edit this page, and add a new section. I’ll go add a panel to the top here, and then scroll down to the remote web view option. There it is right there.

I can scroll down here and see my remote web view. I want to jump into the settings of that and then edit the URL. And I’ll just paste in the URL that I grabbed from my Mac a second ago. Hit okay, wait a few seconds, and then I can press play whenever the icon pops up. And now you can see my ATEM multiview show up within MixEffect. And this is where things get pretty cool because I can now overlay the multiview on top of that and then tap on that. You’ll notice I have a little one and a two here on my iPad, and that’s because I have two multiviews on this ATEM. But if I tap on number one, you’ll see some labels just pop up and jump in front of the other labels that were on the video signal. Now I can see what I’m doing and I can tap around and jump between preview on different shots.

This is a great way to show what you’re actually going to do. So for example, I can go to color bars here. I can also see the two colors that I have in my ATEM. Or I can jump back to my main camera and then I can double tap that to send it into program. Works really nicely. Just like before, I can tap and hold on the preview here and send the source in there that I want to. For example, let’s send in, oh, I don’t know, I don’t have much here, web presenter. And that’ll come up in the preview and then I can cut to that if I want to. And into my video.

Just a couple more things here. If your ATEM has the ability to have a multiview rearranged, you can do that within MixEffect. Over here on my settings for this ATEM I can scroll down and see the multiview settings, and then I can choose how I want my multiview to be laid out. I can do this for up view here, and you can see on my ATEM that it’s changed. I could use any of these views I want here, but I do prefer this one here. And scrolling down a little further, I can also change what’s on preview program or in any of these boxes. So for example, if I didn’t want my color bars in here, but I wanted to put my camera three in there, I can do that right from MixEffect.

And one last tweak, I can change the background color behind images as well. So for example, if I want the Apple TV to show up a little bit clearer here on the screen, I can go back to the settings here, edit them, scroll down to the source images, and then I want to grab that Apple TV one, so number three, here I can add a color by adding a hex value, and I’ll just choose full white FFFFFF. Hit save on that. And back in the switcher panel here, I can see a white background on the Apple TV and it’s much clearer.

And finally, this is a really nice way to just give one person control of an ATEM without giving them all the options available. For example, I can hide away a lot of the stuff here and just show that one touchscreen multiview. I could in fact edit this page, remove everything else here, and then only give them access to this one thing and they can tap between the sources as they wish. I hope you find that useful and do let me know in the comments below if you’ve used this or how you might use this for your setup, and if you have any thoughts or feedback, just let me know and I can pass them along to Adam, the developer of the app. Thanks for watching. Bye-bye.