Using atemOSC and TouchOSC to control your ATEM switcher

Here's a video we've been wanting to make for a while as it's a workflow that we've been using from day one.

By John Barker • 27 Apr 2017

Here’s a video we’ve been wanting to make for a while as it’s a workflow that we’ve been using from day one. This’ll be your getting started guide to using an iOS device to control your ATEM Switcher.


You’ll need to download the following to get this all working:


This guide pretty much assumes that you already have an iOS device to use, but if not, you can always pick up an older iPad or similar to run TouchOSC - that’s what we did. We just keep it in the bag and it’s really only used for this purpose.


I’d really recommend watching the video above to see how to make this all happen.

In the most basic form though, you use your computer to configure the layout and send it off to the iPad. Then when it comes to switching, you press a button on TouchOSC, it talks to atemOSC, which then tells your ATEM what to do!

Keep in mind

Make sure you stay connected to the same network that your ATEM is on at all times. TouchOSC doesn’t get any feedback from the ATEM so you’ll just have to be sure that things are always working.

There is a slight delay in processing time from when you hit a button to the action being completed. It’s nothing to worry about, but you will notice that it’s all not instantaneous. A small price to pay for an inexpensive solution.

That’s about it. It works really well and hasn’t given me any issues. Please get in touch with us if any of this doesn’t make sense, or if you need a hand getting started! We’re always happy to help!